How should kids clothes customize color mix?

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kids clothes customize

How should kids clothes customize color mix? Different workplaces, different workplaces, different skin colors with kids clothes customize is not the same, the following together understand the skills of kids clothes customize color matching.

1. Neutral color

Also known as gray color, refers to the low purity of low color, including black, navy, gray, brown, coffee, rice and white and so on.

2, color brightness

The light and dark tones of colors are called lightness, and the lighter the color, the higher the lightness. Color with yellow light purple dark, neutral color with white light black dark.

3, cool colors, warm colors

There are cold and warm colors, red and yellow are called warm, blue and green are called cold. Look closely at the red below, red is all kinds of. The pink, rose, and purple on the left are cool red, while the hot pepper, watermelon, and orange on the right are warm red.

4. Color purity

Also called chroma, refers to the color of the thick, gray pure, strong and weak. Notice how the red in the image goes from gray to pure and intense.

5, harmonic color, contrast color, complementary color

First to read the color ring, in the rich color of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, red, blue and yellow are the fundamental three primary colors, they can be allocated to other colors. Green, for example, is made of blue and yellow, with more yellow matching grass green, and more blue matching dark green. There are three relationships between each of the two colors: harmony, contrast and complement. The closer the colors are on the color ring, the closer they are. For example, a pair of red and orange are harmonious colors. There is a gap between the two, for example, a pair of green - purple is a contrast color. Contrast strong contrast we call complementary color, red-green, orange-blue, yellow-purple three pairs is complementary color.

kids clothes customize
